OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 7.2 Released

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the their highness Puffy the LIIIrd dept.

The OpenBSD project today announced the release of the most recent version of our favorite operating system, OpenBSD 7.2.

This is the 53rd release from the OpenBSD project. Highlights of the new release include:

As always, the release is available for download from mirror sites all over the world; be sure to pick one that is near you, network-wise! Those upgrading from the 7.1 release (or earlier) should consult the Upgrade Guide.

Also remember to support the project with a donation, perhaps buy some swag from the OpenBSD Store, and if you are at all corporate, please go to the OpenBSD Foundation and see about becoming an official sponsor.

Thanks from all of us to the developers for delivering yet another awesome release!

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  1. By Will Backman (bitgeist) on

    Just did my first upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2 today. Once again it was quick and easy, everything worked just fine. Thank you so much to the people who have worked to make yet another great release.


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