OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 7.5 released

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the Puffy's 56th dept.

Every six months, spring and fall, a new OpenBSD release emerges on the web and familiar download mirrors.

The OpenBSD project has released OpenBSD 7.5, the project's 56th release, with numerous improvements and support for 14 hardware platforms.

Notable enhancements and new features include

All this along with added support for various new hardware, numerous performance improvements and of course security enhancements.

See the OpenBSD 7.5 release page for a more detailed list, or the daily changelog for even more day to day detail.

As usual, the Installation Guide details how to get the system up and running with a fresh install, while those who already run earlier releases should follow the Upgrade Guide, in most cases using sysupgrade(8) to upgrade their systems.

In addition to the base system, the new release comes with a number of prebuilt packages. The number of binary packages available for the more popular architectures are:

amd64: 12309
aarch64: 12145
i386: 10830
sparc64: 9432

Thanks to the developers for all the great work!

And to all OpenBSD users: Happy hacking!

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Will Backman (2a09:bac3:709a:428::6a:77) on

    Whenever I read the release notes, I’m always impressed by all the work that has been done. Thank you to all of the people working to improve OpenBSD.

    1. By Stefan ( on

      I agree with you. Many thanks for this work!

    2. By System Operator ( on

      Greetings to Will "bitgeist" Backman from the BSDtalk radio listener space!
      Even if your use case of teaching OpenBSD through virtual machine instances
      to your students has changed over the years and you no longer practice this
      you can still benefit greatly from much of the improvements interim season,
      by tracking the snapshots: although you've thought about it DO try it again


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