OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 6.9 released

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the spiky for the 50th dept.

The OpenBSD project has released OpenBSD 6.9, the project's 50th release. As usual the release page offers highlights, installation and upgrade instructions as well as links to other resources such as the detailed changelog.

Notable improvements include, but are not limited to

Those upgrading from 6.8 or earlier releases should consult the Upgrade Guide.

Thanks to the developers for all the good work that went into this excellent new release!

While your install sets download or when your packages update, please take the time to look at and use one or more of the recommended ways to support the project, such as making a donation. You can also get merchandise and help OpenBSD visibility. Corporate entities may prefer sending some money in the direction of the OpenBSD Foundation, which is a Canadian non-profit corporation.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Marc Espie (espie) on

    Otto's malloc cache improvements should definitely be on the frontpage.

    They make a huge difference on lots of userspace workloads.

    1. By Amit Kulkarni (amitkulz) on

      I second otto's malloc work! Also, mpi's work on UVM fault. That led to a nice speed boost too.


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