OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 6.8 Released

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the hacker people, fun and friends dept.

On its 25th birthday, the OpenBSD project has released OpenBSD 6.8, the 49th release.

The new release comes with a large number of improvements and debuts a new architecture, OpenBSD/powerpc64, running on the POWER9 family of processors. The full list of changes can be found in the announcement and on the release page. Some highlights:

Those upgrading from 6.7 should consult the Upgrade Guide.

Thanks to the developers for all the good work that went into this excellent new release!

While your install sets download or when your packages update, please take the time to look at and use one or more of the recommended ways to support the project, such as making a donation, buying T-shirts. Corporate entities may prefer sending some money in the direction of the OpenBSD Foundation, which is a Canadian non-profit corporation.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Noryungi (noryungi) on

    Happy 25th Birthday OpenBSD!

    Thanks to everyone for a great release -- I'll make sure to send some money to the OpenBSD Foundation.

  2. By Andrey Ponomarenko (aponomarenko) on

    Let's start to fill the new hardware database introduced in OpenBSD 6.8:
        pkg_add hw-probe
        hw-probe -all -upload

    1. By Tristan (tristan) on

      Cool, I missed that part, so thanks for pointing that out. Nice.

      1. By Tristan (tristan) on

        Thought it was part of OpenBSD :), but still cool to keep a track, seeing if support is good for certain hardware.

    2. By Adam P (adamrt) on

      I've seen you mention this on other websites.

      You present it like its officially supported or related to the OpenBSD project (both people I've seen respond to your comments were confused by this), which I don't believe it is.

      Can you be more clear about the "new hardware database introduced in OpenBSD 6.8". I don't see anything about that in the release notes and hadn't heard about it yet. I might have just missed it.

      1. By Andrey Ponomarenko (aponomarenko) on

        > You present it like its officially supported or related to the OpenBSD project

        It was not intentional.

  3. By some body (someboooody88) on

    Can someone tell, why is the:


    YES by default?
    Specifies whether challenge-response authentication is allowed. All authentication styles from login.conf(5) are supported. The default is yes.


    it is not even used by default, but set on YES.

    So if it would be by default NO, attack surface would be smaller!!

    See the for a recent example, what could be avoided..


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