OpenBSD Journal

Graphical view of the x86 OpenBSD boot process

Contributed by Janne Johansson on from the so detailed you might need to zoom in a lot dept.

Wesley Mouedine Assaby who runs the OpenBSD Jumpstart webpage with hints and tips for beginners about OpenBSD in general has produced a visualization of how PCs boot into OpenBSD.

It shows which files are related to each step, in which order things are read/executed and a human readable list of the operations done by /etc/rc up to the point where you can log in to your system and your personal customizations start.

Download the document:
Thumbnail of OpenBSD startup document

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  1. By Morten Taksrud (morten) on

    Nice! I really like the font and the graphical elements. What was used to make this? Does anybody know?


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