OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 4.9 is available for preorder!

Contributed by weerd on from the big-friendly-letters dept.

OpenBSD 4.9 cover

What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? Naturally 42. Quite different from the answer to "what shall I pre-order today?", as that is obviously OpenBSD 4.9, which is scheduled for release on May 1st, 2011.

This new release is again packed with lots of goodies like mandoc(1) as the groff(1) replacement, TCP send and receive buffer scaling, an /etc/rc.d directory for use by the ports system and of course many substantial improvements in the various areas such as the suspend / resume department, the USB subsystem, the handling of random numbers, etc. For a very long list have a look at the plus49 page.

So, grab your towel and head on over to the order page and make sure you'll get your set before May 1st! After you've placed your order, download the new release song "The Answer" (MP3 or OGG) and sing along to the lyrics.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By brynet (Brynet) on

    Hah, awesome cover art.

    1. By Yendor (yendor) on

      > Hah, awesome cover art.

      Yep and I'll be listening to the song RSN.

      BUT most importantly I have ordered my CD setS and, because the announcement hasn't hit misc@ yet, I might just be in the first few.

      Being on UTC+1100 is a handicap when trying to catch the announcement early and so I automated a pop up that displays the first message that arrives with the right mix of terms so I saw the CVS entry by Theo.

  2. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

    On February 12th I found this snippet of code and remarked it on my blog, I'm worried about having psychic tendencies...

    if (++loops < 42) /*doug adams*/

    res_send.c lines 799-820/853 byte 21458/22096 97% (press RETURN)

  3. By bleakgadfly (bleakgadfly) on

    As a Bob Dylan fan, I must say this versions song is awesome. But I am not too impressed with the artwork.

    As always, it is awesome with a new release! A pre-order will be arriving to OpenBSD Europe soon...

    1. By Yendor (yendor) on

      > As a Bob Dylan fan, I must say this versions song is awesome. But I am not too impressed with the artwork.

      I guess you missed "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ?
      The book, the BBC radio serialisation or the TV series ?

      Deprivation is so unkind.

      > As always, it is awesome with a new release! A pre-order will be arriving to OpenBSD Europe soon...

      That's positive anyway.

      1. By Anonymous Coward (bleakgadfly) on

        > I guess you missed "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ?
        > The book, the BBC radio serialisation or the TV series ?

        Not at all, I love The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (especially Marvin!), however, I find OpenBSD artwork with Puffy better. Just a matter of taste.

        1. By Mayuresh Kathe (mayuresh) on

          > > I guess you missed "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ?
          > > The book, the BBC radio serialisation or the TV series ?
          > Not at all, I love The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (especially Marvin!), however, I find OpenBSD artwork with Puffy better. Just a matter of taste.

          If you observe closely, the green thingy with the red tongue does actually have spikes as on puffy.

  4. By Guillaume Dualé (tazou) on

    It is with great pleasure that I announce the possibility of pre-orders CDs of OpenBSD 4.9 version on Blowfish Unlimited :)
    Have a nice day.

  5. By Archzilon Eshun-Davies (laudarch) on

    Its cool to have 4.9 but rc.d(8) is not what am looking for.
    would there be a day when lynx disappears? and all of a sudden we
    have /usr/pkg/?
    Would chroot apache be gone? OpenSSH gone?


    - laudarch

    1. By phessler (phessler) on

      > Its cool to have 4.9 but rc.d(8) is not what am looking for.
      > would there be a day when lynx disappears? and all of a sudden we
      > have /usr/pkg/?
      > Would chroot apache be gone? OpenSSH gone?
      > :(
      > - laudarch

      did you even look at what rc.d is? at all?

      this rc.d has nothing to do with the linux mess they call rc.d.


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