OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 7.3 released

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the guessing the theme dept.

Calgary and elsewhere, : The OpenBSD project today announced the release and general availability of its latest stable version, OpenBSD 7.3.

Eagerly anticipated by users, engineers, enthusiasts and industry pundits all over the world, this release contains a number of improvements over earlier versions, including but not limited to

You may notice that the list of OpenBSD Innovations has grown a bit too, while the detailed changelog offers more detail.

All reasonably modern architectures had install sets and complete binary packages available on the mirrors at the time of the announcements.

Some slower (historic or just weird) architectures are still building but OpenBSD still supports 14 architectures.

While you are waiting for your downloads, installs or upgrades to complete (or even before starting either), please remember to visit the donations page and/or buy OpenBSD swag to support the project financially.

And finally, this release is the first since OpenBSD 7.0 to feature a release song. The Wizard and the Fish is the new obligatory addition to your hacking playlist.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By n/a (Cabal) on

    I miss Crystal.

    1. By anon (anonymouse) on

      Crystal finally merged support for newer LLVM so it could be updated and reenabled now, but they are often pretty slow at adapting to newer LLVM versions so there will often be times when it doesn't build with the standard OpenBSD LLVM.

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