OpenBSD Journal

No unmodified files remain from original import of OpenBSD

Contributed by rueda on from the plus-ça-change dept.

All files from the original import of OpenBSD have now been modified (or deleted). Appropriately, Theo de Raadt (deraadt@) made the change:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2024/08/23 11:29:08

Modified files:
	games/quiz     : Makefile 
	games/quiz/datfiles: index 
Added files:
	games/quiz/datfiles: ship 
Removed files:
	games/quiz/datfiles: greek 

Log message:
The greek quiz is so obscure that it is ridiculous -- noone can play
this.  Replace it with a new quiz about galley (ship) parts.  This
commit changes the *LAST UNMODIFIED ORIGINAL FILE* (meaning revision from the original import that created OpenBSD on Oct 18,
1995.  With this commit, we have completed an amusing mission of
replacing the final parts of the original OpenBSD.

We have reached OpenBSD of Theseus.

ideas & assistance from mglocker, naval terminology help from jmc

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Louis Fredrickson (Loudloudlou) on

    The OpenBSD project is fascinating.

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