OpenBSD Journal

DHCPv6-PD - First steps by florian@

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the fix the prefix dept.

As noted earlier, OpenBSD-current now has IPv6 prefix delegation available via the new dhcp6leased(8) deamon.

Now before he committed the code, Florian Obser (florian@) wrote a blog post on the process of developing the new program in a piece called DHCPv6-PD - First steps.

The prologue leads in,

The single most requested feature missing in OpenBSD base directed at me is DHCPv6-PD. Recently I got a working setup at home using dhcpcd from ports and a donated Fritz!Box 6660 Cable1, 2. Time to hack on this.

He follows up with details on how the ideas and the code developed. Read the whole thing at DHCPv6-PD - First steps.

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