OpenBSD Journal

Game of Trees 0.88 released!

Contributed by grey on from the speed improvements as requested dept.

Version 0.88 of Game of Trees has been released (and the port updated):

* got 0.88; 2023-04-29
  see git repository history for per-change authorship information
- tog: always use alternate charset for vertical/horizontal line
- several tog regression test suite improvements
- run the tog tests as part of the default regress set
- tog: resize log view if toggling fullscreen from child view
- when finding changed paths iterate tree entries in on-disk order for speed
- cache fulltext data in delta cache to improve speed with long delta chains
- gotwebd: fix logic error in gotweb_render_index

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

    I like tog, does anyone know though if there is a way to extract the diffs from the viewer to the filesystem? Kinda like mutt's | which I
    use to save patches from people with |cat > tech.patch , I looked at
    the tog help before but I couldn't find a save or pipe like just shown.
    Would be great to have, I think.

    Best Regards,

    1. By Stefan Sperling (stsp) on

      Saving at arbitrary locations won't work due to use of unveil. What could be done is offer a command which saves the diff under some name in /tmp. Where the name would be created by tog, much like it creates other temporary files.


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