OpenBSD Journal

rpki-client 7.9 released

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the all keyed up dept.

A fairly critical component of routing security infrastructure, rpki-client, has a new release out, version 7.9.

The announcement leads in,

rpki-client 7.9 has just been released and will be available in the rpki-client directory of any OpenBSD mirror soon.

rpki-client is a FREE, easy-to-use implementation of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for Relying Parties (RP) to facilitate validation of BGP announcements. The program queries the global RPKI repository system and validates untrusted network inputs. The program outputs validated ROA payloads and BGPsec Router keys in configuration formats suitable for OpenBGPD and BIRD, and supports emitting CSV and JSON for consumption by other routing stacks.

Read the whole thing here and grab the new release at your favorite OpenBSD mirror.

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