OpenBSD Journal

r2k22 Hackathon Report: Job Snijders (job@) on rpki-client and more

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the route me up before you go-go dept.

The first r2k22 hackathon report is in, from Job Snijders (job@), who writes:

Traveling to r2k22 was a lot of fun! It's not often I get to travel to developer meetings by bike.

I started the hackathon by scratching an itch I've had for a while. The data that helps organize the Internet's global routing system (RPKI) is distributed across many independently operated repositories. The rpki-client(8) utility follows an IETF-standardized process to discover, connect to, and collect data from all these different places. But what if an operator doesn't want the utility to connect to a particular host? Blocking hosts based on their IPv4 or IPv6 address(es) through external instrumentation like pf.conf(5) rules is unwieldy and not so elegant: the utility attempting to connect and pf(4) subsequently blocking it. I figured my life might be become easier if I extended the utility to be able to take a list of hosts to be avoided. Thus, the skiplist feature came to be.

Next up I wanted to address a small gap in the base installation. I often find myself installing the moreutils port, solely for its timestamping utility. As the original implementation is a GPL-licensed Perl script, I thought authoring a BSD-licensed C implementation would be fun … and it was fun! … until I discovered I'd also need to implement support for converting format strings inside format strings passed to strftime(3). Fortunately, Claudio claudio@ took pity and helped out with that part. Fast-forward an evening of furious hacking: OpenBSD now has its own high performance pledged input timestamping utility! Welcome to base, ts(1)!

All in all, r2k22 was a lot of fun - it was great to see fellow developers and sync up face to face. A+++. Would hack again! :-)

Thanks for all the good work and for the report, Job!

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