OpenBSD Journal

A proof of concept: running OpenBSD on the PinePhone

Contributed by grey on from the Puffying up the pines dept.

Crystal Kolipe has done a four partmulti-part write up about getting OpenBSD running on a PinePhone here:

As mentioned in the piece, this comes with a bit of a warning:

The information presented on these pages is NOT intended to be followed as a guide to installing OpenBSD on your own Pinephone device, and must not be used for this purpose.

Unlike most SBCs, the Pinephone contains a rechargeable battery intended to power the device. Correct configuration of the charging circuits, including various safety features such as thermal protection will not be enabled by the current OpenBSD kernel as of the time of writing.

Nonetheless, it seems promising! Not that this particular undeadly editor actually has a PinePhone to test such things with personally.

Update: We were notified that the wrong author was attributed, so have corrected the article to show the write up is from Crystal Kolipe

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Bryce C (brycec) on

    Head's up! There's a big ol' disclaimer at the top of the article that reads:

    > If you've followed a link from to this article, please note that the author attribution on that page is WRONG.
    > This article was written entirely by our resident Crystal Kolipe.

    Seems the Undeadly post needs an update.

    1. By grey (grey) on

      My apologies, that was totally my oversight. Thanks to the active editors for correcting it!

  2. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

    This is really cool! I'm getting a pinephone pro in a few days (it's already in the mail). Though I plan on running Linux on it for a few years, I'll be watching development for pinephone very closely, because it would be really rad to have OpenBSD with me 24/7...

    Keep up the good work!


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