OpenBSD Journal

We are now at 6.9-beta, go for snapshots, test!

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the bugsquashing season dept.

You may have missed the event during the weekend, but with this commit, OpenBSD -current turned 6.9-beta.

The commit message reads,

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2021/02/06 14:26:19

Modified files:
	sys/conf       : 
	sys/sys        : param.h 
	etc/root       : root.mail 
	share/mk       : 
	sys/arch/macppc/stand/tbxidata: bsd.tbxi 

Log message:

There is no release page in place yet, but please do check the changelog (aka plus.html) page and download snapshots to test any feature of the system that has seen changes or improvements.

Remember, you are the main force for finding and removing bugs before they creep into the upcoming release!

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