OpenBSD Journal

Preliminary OpenBSD Support Added to OBS Studio

Contributed by Oliver Lowe on from the Puffy's broadcast broadside dept.

OpenBSD developer Vadim Zhukov (zhukov@) has added preliminary OpenBSD support to Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio release 26.1.0 and later. The changes come as part of an ongoing collaboration between the upstream OBS project and OpenBSD developers.

Preliminary OpenBSD support was added in two commits. One introduced sndio(7) support. This adds a sndio plugin which Zhukov advises will provide more reliable, lower latency audio mixing than the ffmpeg plugin for OpenBSD users. The other provides basic support such as help evaluating OpenBSD-specific filesystem paths.

A link to the release was posted on Reddit, with a title claiming full OpenBSD support. Bryan Steele (brynet@) was quick to provide helpful context in a comment:

Note that this is still a WIP and it hasn't been submitted to the ports mailing list or committed to the ports tree, zhuk@ and others have been working with the upstream. As I understand there are issues that still remain, so "full OpenBSD support" is a bit premature.

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