OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD and you, the 6.8 update

Contributed by Peter N. M. Hansteen on from the Puffy is good for you dept. co-editor Peter Hansteen writes in, saying,

On Saturday November 7th I remote participated in OpenFest 2020 with an updated version of the OpenBSD and you talk.

Recordings will be released after the conference, but I was happy enough with my dry run or backup recording that I'm making that available too, along with the slides to follow along. I hope this will be useful in your advocacy or education on OpenBSD and why the project matters.

In case you were wondering, this is an update on a talk we covered previously, with updates to cover the more recent OpenBSD 6.8.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By bgpepi (bgpepi) on

    Recordings is here:
    First talk :-)

  2. By Magic carpet (bodie) on

    As always nice write up and good reading showing or pointing to news in development.

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