OpenBSD Journal

LLVM 10.0.0 imported into -current

Contributed by rueda on from the does this compiler go up to eleven dept.

With this commit and several more, Patrick Wildt (patrick@) upgraded -current to version 10.0.0 of LLVM:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2020/08/03 08:30:27

Log message:
    Import LLVM 10.0.0 release including clang, lld and lldb.
    ok hackroom
    tested by plenty
    Vendor Tag:	LLVM
    Release Tags:	LLVM_10_0_0

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Amit Kulkarni (amitkulz) on

    As jsg@ mentioned, the graphics stack is tied to LLVM. So yes, we will be on the LLVM train, and will be pulled along.

    1. By Amit Kulkarni (amitkulz) on

      Great work guys!

  2. By Matthias (matthias) on


    I remember that there was a discussion not to include LLVM Versions > 8 due to licensing constraints. Are the benefits of using a newer LLVM version greater than the licensing topic or is there another reason?


    1. By Ben (bemc) on

      It looks like there are two available compilers with state-of-the-art hardware support. In terms of licenses, it is matter of choosing between Apache-2 of GPL-3, even if the OpenBSD project has been historically against both.

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