OpenBSD Journal

WireGuard patchset for OpenBSD

Contributed by rueda on from the Puffy on the wire dept.

In a post to tech@, Matt Dunwoodie announced the availability of a WireGuard [VPN] patchset for OpenBSD:

A while ago I wanted to learn more about OpenBSD development. So I
picked a project, in this case WireGuard, to develop a native client
for. Over the last two years, with many different iterations, and
working closely with the WireGuard's creator (Jason [Jason A. Donenfeld - Ed.], CC'd), it started
to become a serious project eventually reaching parity with other
official implementations. Finally, we are here and I think it is time
for any further development to happen inside the src tree.

From the WireGuard point-of-view, this is an official patchset.

See the full thread on tech@ for more detail.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Will Backman (bitgeist) on

    I hope this works out, and will be as simple as iked.


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