OpenBSD Journal

Theo De Raadt Interview between Ottawa 2019 Hackathon and BSDCAN 2019

Contributed by Tom Smyth on from the questioning the questions dept.

Tom Smyth writes in about an interview he did with Theo de Raadt in between g2k19, the general hackathon in Ottawa, and BSDCAN 2019:

Have you ever wondered about the whys and the hows Theo and his friends in OpenBSD relentlessly pursue security perfection in computer operating systems and the software that runs on them? Or perhaps you are more concerned with much deeper questions like : What operating system does Theo use on his Laptop? Who is his favourite developer? Who is his favourite user / sysadmin? Or you are just in need of some serious life tips on dealing with trolls?

Ok enough with the superficial questions… lets let Theo do the talking… check out the video here

A big Thank you goes to Theo for his time in the interview. I enjoyed making it with him, and I hope you all enjoy it, and I hope the wider public learn something new from it too.

Many thanks to Theo indeed, and also to Tom for doing the interview. We hope to see more soon!

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  1. By vvim (unisoftdesign) on

    What a great interview; should be mandatory viewing before anyone new posts on the mailing list.


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