OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD Community reaches Iridium in 2018!

Contributed by Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd on from the is it osmium next? dept.

Right on the heels of the previous announcement, Kenneth R. Westerback (krw@) of the OpenBSD Foundation writes to inform us:

The OpenBSD Foundation is happy to announce that individual contributions from the OpenBSD commnunity have again exceeded $100,000, making the community the 2nd Iridium level donor for 2018!

These smaller regular contributions are the backbone of longer term spending planning. The Foundation would like to thank all the individuals who made and continue to make regular monthly contributions.

We'd like to thank Ken for sharing this piece of good news, and join him in thanking the larger community for their donations. If you haven't already (or want to add a donation), you can visit the donations page of the Foundation to make a contribution too.

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