OpenBSD Journal

libcsi - Crypto Simplified Interface

Contributed by rueda on from the continuing-sane-innovation dept.

Joel Sing (jsing@) has committed Crypto Simplified Interface (CSI) to -current:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2018/06/02 11:40:33

Added files:
	lib/libcsi     : Makefile Symbols.list csi.c csi.h csi_dh.c 
	                 csi_dh_groups.c csi_internal.h csi_util.c 

Log message:
Initial version of Crypto Simplified Interface (CSI).

This is a code base that intends on providing a simplified interface for
mid-level cryptographic operations. In due course various applications and
libraries will be able to benefit from a clean and robust API, rather than
using libcrypto or other similar APIs directly.

Discussed at length with deraadt@, djm@, markus@, beck@ and others.

This parallels the addition of libtls.

(Comments are closed)


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