OpenBSD Journal

Errata and (First) Binary Patches Announced

Contributed by rueda on from the patch me cos you can dept.

Errata for OpenBSD 6.1 and 6.0 have been announced. The message to [from T.J. Townsend (tj@)] reads:

Errata patches for dhcpd, vmm, LibreSSL and softraid have been released
for OpenBSD 6.1 today.

Details can be found on this page:

Binary updates for the amd64 and i386 platforms are also available via
the syspatch utility. Note that syspatch uses the mirror configured in
/etc/installurl, so all mirrors may not have the files yet.

OpenBSD 6.0 is only affected by the softraid issue.

A patch for it can be found here:

It's time to get (sys)patching!


In a follow-up email, Antoine Jacoutot (ajacoutot@) wrote:

Due to a mistake in creating the syspatch archives, a multi-processor machine
would not default to the MP kernel. New syspatches have been re-rolled and
you're advised to revert and re-apply them (even on non-MP machines). Make sure
your mirror (/etc/installurl) has the new syspatches first (dated May 3rd).

As root:
   while true; do syspatch -r || break; done

If you're running on a multi-processor machine, you may also remove the extra
/ kernel. Sorry about that and thank you all for your report and feedback.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Renaud Allard (renaud) on

    syspatch works quite fine, but, beware, after a kernel upgrade, if you renamed to bsd because you have a multiprocessor machine and the installer did it, your "new" bsd will be the bsd.sp, so you will reboot in single processor mode.

    1. By Matt M. ( on

      > syspatch works quite fine, but, beware, after a kernel upgrade, if you renamed to bsd because you have a multiprocessor machine and the installer did it, your "new" bsd will be the bsd.sp, so you will reboot in single processor mode.

      a mail thread on the subject

    2. By Renaud Allard (renaud) on

      > syspatch works quite fine, but, beware, after a kernel upgrade, if you renamed to bsd because you have a multiprocessor machine and the installer did it, your "new" bsd will be the bsd.sp, so you will reboot in single processor mode.

      New syspatches have been re-rolled and you're advised to revert and re-apply them (even on non-MP machines). Make sure your mirror (/etc/installurl) has the new syspatches first (dated May 3rd).

      As root:
      while true; do syspatch -r || break; done

  2. By Noryungi (noryungi) on

    I was actually expecting this!

    Running syspatch took less than one minute, and installed everything quickly and neatly.

    An especially nice touch is the ''rollback'' file, ready to be used, just in case!

    Kudos to Antoine Jacoutot for a great utility!

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    The issue still exists for me. The patch files have both bsd and I'm not sure what's supposed to mv / /bsd on MP machines.

    1. By s ( on

      > The issue still exists for me. The patch files have both bsd and I'm not sure what's supposed to mv / /bsd on MP machines.

      You aren't expected to install the syspatch files manually. The install_kernel() function in /usr/sbin/syspatch does that.

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > > The issue still exists for me. The patch files have both bsd and I'm not sure what's supposed to mv / /bsd on MP machines.
        > You aren't expected to install the syspatch files manually. The install_kernel() function in /usr/sbin/syspatch does that.

        Yeah, I was just using syspatch. It was user error. One machine would install the SP kernel even after reverting all the patches and reapplying. My other MP machines would syspatch with the MP kernel just fine. It turns out that on the first machine, I had built and installed the stable MP kernel by mistake before syspatching so I had it in my head that it was an MP machine. It isn't. syspatch just uses `sysctl -n hw.ncpufound` to determine whether to install SP or MP, not which kernel was installed before patching which seems reasonable.

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