OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 6.1 Released

Contributed by pitrh on from the fugu-for-your-x dept.

April 11, 2017: The OpenBSD project has announced the availability of the newest release, OpenBSD 6.1:

We are pleased to announce the official release of OpenBSD 6.1.
This is our 42nd release.  We remain proud of OpenBSD's record of more
than twenty years with only two remote holes in the default install.

This release has several notable changes. The most visible are:

  • New syspatch(8) utility for binary base system updates to supported -stable amd64 and i386 releases
  • The acme-client, a privilege separated ACME client for easy maintenance of Let's encrypt TLS certificates

We expect these items will make the day to day running of OpenBSD systems significantly easier.

Other notable improvements include:

  • Several enhancements to vmm(4), including support for third-party BIOSes and Linux guests
  • New arm64 platform targeting Pine64, Raspberry Pi 3 and Opteron A1100
  • Continuing SMP improvements, particularly in the network stack
  • New xenodm(1) X display manager
  • Improved capabilites in a number of IEEE 802.11 wireless network drivers
  • Updates to the package system tools as well as the package collection itself, with increased number of prebuilt packages for the more popular (and faster) architectures

This release also has updated versions of OpenSMTPD, OpenSSH, LibreSSL, mandoc as well as incremental improvements to all other named subprojects.

The release page contains a fuller list of changes while the upgrade page gives recommendations on how to upgrade to the new release.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Nick (2001:470:36:e5f:d92d:7756:9011:476b) on

    Apr 15?
    Happy Theo's day :)

    1. By AriZone (AriZone) on

      Thanks! (it's May already!)

  2. By Mycroft ( on

    Amazing, first day of Passover (Hebrew New Year) and OpenBSD 6.1 is released. It feels like waking up on Christmas morning. Mazel Tov!

  3. By Noryungi (noryungi) on

    Congratulations to everyone for a fantastic release!

    Just installed OpenBSD 6.1 on a spare machine, and I was again floored by the quality and simplicity of this operating system.

    Things like 'installurl' and 'syspatch' are, so far, the nicest touches.

    And 'doas' rocks, as always. One single line of configuration for all your root needs!

    Now, where can I get the ninja puffy stickers? :-D

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      +1 for the stickers!

  4. By BSDfan ( on

    So, no more 1 May/1 November releases?

  5. By badger_ ( on

    Congratulations for such a great release. The upgrade went smooth in all my machines :-) You are heroes.

    Big respect.

  6. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    The Link to the Song does not work and the lyric is missing at


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