OpenBSD Journal

BSDCan 2014 tutorial days: IPv6, PF, Transition to OpenBSD 5.5, sudo

Contributed by pitrh on from the you're doing it wrong, with queues dept.

The BSDCan kicked off this year's edition with two days of tutorials starting May 14, with a healthy showing of OpenBSD content. The first tutorial day had a very informative IPv6 session by RIPE's Max Stucchi, followed by Peter Hansteen's incrementally updated PF tutorial, prominently featuring the new traffic shaping system (links to slides within). The second tutorial day hit off with the Transitioning to OpenBSD 5.5 (again, slides within), followed by Michael W. Lucas's Sudo: you're doing it wrong.

Peter has promised he'll do the transition to OpenBSD N.m sessions at any upcoming events he's allowed to do.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    The link to Michael W. Lucas's tutorial announcement should be: <a href=""></a>

    1. By phessler (phessler) on why in god's name am I wearing pants?

      > The link to Michael W. Lucas's tutorial announcement should be: <a href=""></a>

      Fixed, thanks!

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