OpenBSD Journal

BSDNow Episode 016: Cryptocrystalline

Contributed by tbert on from the slacking-editors dept.

In BSDNow Episode 016: Cryptocrystalline there is an interview with Damien Miller (djm@ @damienmiller) titled "Cryptography in OpenBSD and OpenSSH" along with an article titled "Secure communications with OpenBSD and OpenVPN" and tutorial about "Full disk encryption in FreeBSD and OpenBSD"

The BSDNow show is recorded live on Wednesdays at 2pm Eastern Standard Time and then the live recording is edited into the video and audio files released the following Friday afternoon. Due to time constraints and live recordings, it's always best to check their website show notes and tutorial pages for updated information. As TJ said, "It's a community-driven project," so if you want to help out, you can send questions, comments, show ideas/topics, or stories you want mentioned on the show to

Available audio and video recordings:
SD Video | HD Video | MP3 Audio | OGG Audio | Youtube | Torrent | iTunes MP3 | Roku

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