OpenBSD Journal

b2k13 hackathon report: Joerg Jung (jung@) - ports, IPv6 spamd

Contributed by jcr on from the something sixy brewing dept.

Joerg Jung (jung@) was the first developer to submit a report from the now concluded b2k13 hackathon in Berlin. Joerg writes,

During b2k13 I was working on updating several ports I maintain and use daily. This especially includes commits to lout, some ports and nyancat. The latter one is really a very important port and requires careful handling as it is obviously used by many on a daily basis.

Besides the usual porting efforts phessler@ tricked me to look into the source of spamd(8) to make it IPv6 capable. In a first attempt I made spamd able to listen() on IPv6 (besides IPv4). This is ongoing work and requires further rounds of diffs and discussion.

Moreover, I prepared a diff which introduces minor changes to the daily(8) script (with a lot of input and help from halex@). This is also ongoing work which includes more discussions.

My grateful respect goes to stsp@ and involved organizers for making this hackathon possible.

Thanks for the report, Joerg, and keep up the good work!

We'll post more developer hackathon reports as they come in.

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