Contributed by phessler on from the nostrovia! dept.
We started off with the ever popular tutorial
And then continued with OpenBSD related talks:
Many thanks to the Organizers, Speakers and Attendees for an excellent conference.
(Comments are closed)
By sneaker (sneaker) on
Jesus tits you guy's are awesome. Thanks to all of you.
By Dan Shechter (danshtr) on
By Marc Espie (espie) on
> Jesus tits you guy's are awesome. Thanks to all of you.
There was audio (video?) capture on all of the talks, afaik.
I have exactly zero idea how/when this will show up, but I already asked the person in charge.
I expect they're still recovering, must have been a crazy crazy week-end for them...
By sneaker (sneaker) on
> >
> > Jesus tits you guy's are awesome. Thanks to all of you.
> There was audio (video?) capture on all of the talks, afaik.
> I have exactly zero idea how/when this will show up, but I already asked the person in charge.
> I expect they're still recovering, must have been a crazy crazy week-end for them...
Dang, and I already promised a testie, Oh well, promises are promises. I'd give the other one if someone can convince henning to make slides that aren't 100MB each!