OpenBSD Journal

EuroBSDCon 2012 Call For Proposals Is Out

Contributed by pitrh on from the Puffies! Daemons! Cats! Insects! Flags! dept.

The organizers of EuroBSDCon 2012 wrote in to tell us that their Call For Proposals is out:

EuroBSDcon is the European technical conference for users and developers on BSD-based systems. The EuroBSDcon 2012 conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland from Thursday 18 October 2012 to Sunday 21 October 2012, with tutorials on Thursday and Friday and talks on Saturday and Sunday.

Call for Proposals

The EuroBSDcon conference is inviting developers and users of BSD-based systems to submit innovative and original papers not submitted to other European conferences on BSD-related topics. Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to applications, architecture, implementation, performance and security of BSD-based operating systems, as well as topics concerning the economic or organizational aspects of BSD use.

Presentations are expected to be 45 minutes.

Call for Tutorial Proposals

The EuroBSDcon conference is inviting qualified practitioners in their field to submit proposals for half or full day tutorials on topics relevant to development, implementation and use of BSD-based systems.

Submission address

Proposals should be submitted by email to <>.

Important dates

The EuroBSDcon conference is accepting abstracts and tutorial proposals until 20 May 2012. Other important dates will be announced soon at the conference website

(Comments are closed)


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