OpenBSD Journal

BSD-Day 2012: Invitation

Contributed by pitrh on from the deaemons & puffies mingling dept.

Gabor Pali wrote in to announce and invite OpenBSDers to the upcoming BSD-Day in Vienna, Austria. Gabor writes,

Dear All,

I am glad to inform you that we are again organizing a "DanuBSDCon" (aka. BSD-Day). It is going to be held at the UAS Technikum Wien in Vienna, Austria on Saturday May 5, 2012 as part of the Austrian Linuxweeks (Linuxwochen).

We would like to invite everybody — anybody who is just looking for an excuse to make a short trip to Central Europe, spend a nice weekend in Vienna, join us for a beer, talk about her favourite topic, or meet fellow developers from the region (and from other BSD flavours), or accidentally will not be able to make it to Canada :-)

So, please contact me if you are interested!

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  1. By Amir Samiremov (Amir) on Amir

    Great - I will be there in May. I booked at Hotel Zipser Vienna - perhaps some of you will be there too? Would be nice for a bit of sidetalk in the hotel-bar ;)


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