OpenBSD Journal

10 years of pf presentation

Contributed by weerd on from the double-digits dept.

Henning Brauer (henning@) has just sent an e-mail to misc@ announcing the publication of his presentation from BSDCan 2011. Weighing in at 82 pages, he gives a detailed overview of what happened to our favourite firewall in the last 10 years. I can still remember running IPF so a big thank you to all the developers involved in PF over the years is more than warranted.

Henning also reminds everybody that EuroBSDCon 2011 will be held in October in The Netherlands, with several OpenBSD developers presenting there. If you are in the area, make sure you stop by.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

    Nice graphs and pictures.. I love the coal powered CCCP computer mockup :P

  2. By Will Backman (bitgeist) on

    Here is a quick edit of the audio I recorded.

    1. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

      > Here is a quick edit of the audio I recorded.

      Wow, thanks Will! I watched the slides again this time with the authors words, what a difference. Thanks Henning and Ryan!

    2. By Tom Van Looy (tvlooy) on


      Thank you Will! I like this a lot.

    3. By sneaker (sneaker) on

      > Here is a quick edit of the audio I recorded.
      I came in here to ask for just this! Thanks Will, once again you're the fuckin man!


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