OpenBSD Journal

4.9 CDs are on their way

Contributed by weerd on from the wait-for-it dept.

Reader Renaud Allard writes in with an update he received from the OpenBSD Europe store:

I just received a mail telling me that my OpenBSD 4.9 CDs were dispatched:

This is an automated message from OpenBSD Europe with regard to
your order on 16/03/2011 at 22:05 .

Order no. 562.

The order has been despatched and will be with you soon. 

Who will have them first ? :)

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Tim (tim) on

    I received a similar message from the Computer Shop yesterday morning (for delivery in the US).

  2. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

    It seems that OpenBSD Europe serializes their purchases giving us a good idea of how much volume goes out their door. I applied this formula from world war 2 intended to see how many german tanks were produced. (M-1)(S+1)/S [1]. If OpenBSD is produced like german tanks were, I came up with 701.25. That includes 4 samples from 3 older purchases of mine and yours. So this formula predicts that there is 701 CD's purchased by OpenBSD Europe since OpenBSD 4.7. The rest is up to your imagination on how CD sales go. :-) :-)


    1. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

      Well I got my three CD's of Freedom. Thanks to all who had a part in doing this release. Stickers rock.

    2. By OpenBSD Europe Staff (openbsdeurope) on

      > It seems that OpenBSD Europe serializes their purchases giving us a good idea of how much volume goes out their door. I applied this formula from world war 2 intended to see how many german tanks were produced. (M-1)(S+1)/S [1]. If OpenBSD is produced like german tanks were, I came up with 701.25. That includes 4 samples from 3 older purchases of mine and yours. So this formula predicts that there is 701 CD's purchased by OpenBSD Europe since OpenBSD 4.7. The rest is up to your imagination on how CD sales go. :-) :-)
      > [1]

      I can confirm these mathematics are voodoo!

  3. By Rikard Lang (rixard) on

    Stickers.... I hope my order arrives soon so that I can put stickers all over my drab WS.

  4. By Aaron Bieber (qbit) on

    Softpro sent out shipping notifications yesterday! /me does the happy dance!

  5. By Tim (thowe) thowe at bendtel net on

    My 4.9 CD set arrived in Bend, Oregon USA today.

    The box has told me, in friendly letters, not to panic.

    1. By Tim (thowe) on

      I just opened it. It has the best sticker EVER in it! If you haven't ordered your set, it is worth it for that sticker alone.

  6. By Loganaden Velvindron (logan) on

    The Linux User Group of Mauritius just ordered its
    first batch of OpenBSD CDs to support the ongoing
    development of OpenBSD (and OpenSSH).

    Quite a few members think very highly of PF, and
    sincerely would like to see this wonderful process


    On behalf of the members of
    Linux User Group of Mauritius,

  7. By KH (KH) on

    Just out of curiosity, does everyone have theirs already? I've bought CDs in the past, but this is the first time I've pre-ordered.

    1. By David Reuteler (reuteler) on

      > Just out of curiosity, does everyone have theirs already? I've bought CDs in the past, but this is the first time I've pre-ordered.

      yea, i preordered in late march from canada (to the US) and haven't got either a shipping notice or the cd yet.

      1. By KH (KH) on

        > > Just out of curiosity, does everyone have theirs already? I've bought CDs in the past, but this is the first time I've pre-ordered.
        > yea, i preordered in late march from canada (to the US) and haven't got either a shipping notice or the cd yet.

        Same here. Not the end of the world, but the CDs are nice, and I feel better not chewing up donated ftp bandwidth. Oh, well...

  8. By Will Backman (bitgeist) on

    I hope to pick up my set at BSDCan. Will there be a booth, or at least someone from the project selling CD's?

  9. By sickness (sickness) on

    Arrived today :)
    Ordered from openbsd europe on march the 19th :)

  10. By Richard Toohey (richardtoohey) on

    Arrived today (Friday 13th May 2011) in Tauranga, New Zealand.

    Thanks to all the devs once again for another great on-time release.


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