OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 4.8 CDs arrival

Contributed by maxime on from the first-in-4.8-out dept.

The firsts shipping notices of the OpenBSD 4.8 CD set have been received yesterday. Jeremy Chase posted this message to the misc@ mailing-list:
From: Jeremy Chase 
To: OpenBSD general usage list 
Subject: Looks like my 4.8 CD is in the mail!
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 17:02:12 -0400

I just got this in my inbox: "USPS OpenBSD Order:2010/9/10-13:4:42-15337--"

Very exciting!
Remember it's never too late to order your own CD set!

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Han Boetes (han) on

    > "Remember it's never too late to order your own CD set!"

    OK, then I'll wait a bit.

  2. By Howard Pepper (HowiPepper) on

    My CD set arrived in today's mail!

    1. By Howard Pepper (HowiPepper) on

      > My CD set arrived in today's mail!

      Forgot to add: In Florida, USA.

      Already installed it to my second workstation, just waiting for the full release.

  3. By Peter J. Philipp (pjp) on

    I got my CD today in Schweinfurt, Germany. I'm already building a new system with it on vmware. Thanks a lot!

  4. By Lawrence Teo (lteo) lteo.openbsd1 ! on

    Arrived today in North Carolina, USA!

  5. By Daniel Cizinsky (d.c.) on

    Arrived today to Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, re-sending some to our local users :)

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