OpenBSD Journal

4.7 Release Song - I'm Still Here

Contributed by weerd on from the still-going-strong dept.

On Thursday night (CET), Theo released the song for the upcoming 4.7 release. The lyrics look back on many years of OpenBSD development, how some things change and some things stay the same:

But I'm still here
Better than I've ever been before
I'm still free
Close a window, open up a door
I'm still me

It is very good that OpenBSD is still here and still free. Thanks to Theo and his developers for giving us OpenBSD all these years and thanks to Bob Kitella for this fun song, it's now available for download in OGG or MP3 format. They should also be available on the FTP mirrors shortly, so try a local mirror to get the song even faster.

(Comments are closed)

    1. By brynet (Brynet) on

      > We Miss The Commentary!

      Indeed, was always an interesting insight into things.

  2. By BentuP (bentup) on

    I like it.

  3. By Clever Monkey (clvrmnky) on

    Cue the "why don't they work on bugs instead of wasting time with this nonsense" comments on Slashdot in 3, 2, 1...

    1. By phessler (phessler) on

      > Cue the "why don't they work on bugs instead of wasting time with this nonsense" comments on Slashdot in 3, 2, 1...

      I seem to have missed that this was a job, as opposed to a fun thing to volunteer on. Wait a minute...

    2. By Bret Lambert (tbert) on

      > Cue the "why don't they work on bugs instead of wasting time with this nonsense" comments on Slashdot in 3, 2, 1...

      Well, the existing Slashdot article hit a number of great whining points, such as "upgrading my servers once a year is too often", "the upgrade process needs more blinking lights", and my personal favorite, "I have no idea what I'm talking about".

  4. By Alexander (sasha) on

    Great song! I wish you creative success! Thank you very much.

    (Russia Federation, Western Siberia).

  5. By Chris (Chris) chris dot clawson atsymbol google's mail on

    Test, please ignore/flame at will


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