OpenBSD Journal

MetaBUG presents Mike Erdely's Intro to Ports

Contributed by jason on from the i-need-a-finely-aged-port dept.

Mike Erdely will be presenting Intro to Ports, a presentation based on Bernd Ahler's talk at OpenCON, at the Capital Area BSD Users Group this Tuesday, December 18, 2007.

The meeting will begin at 18:30 EST (22:30 UTC). Local users are invited to attend at the usual location in Columbia, MD, USA. Remote users are welcome to listen in via streaming audio. The feed runs over RTSP, supported by x11/vlc in ports. A CapBUG representative should be available in #metabug on freenode to field questions.

The official announcement is available at the MetaBUG site.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Mike Erdely (merdely) on

    The talk will be broken into two parts. The first part will be completely based from Bernd's OpenCON slides. The second part will cover a few more advanced topics.

    1. By jason (jason) on

      > The talk will be broken into two parts. The first part will be completely based from Bernd's OpenCON slides. The second part will cover a few more advanced topics.

      Great talk. I've got the audio and will synchronize them with the slides.

      1. By Josh Grosse ( on

        > > The talk will be broken into two parts. The first part will be completely based from Bernd's OpenCON slides. The second part will cover a few more advanced topics.
        > Great talk. I've got the audio and will synchronize them with the slides.

        Great, Jason! I missed the broadcast, and would love to hear Mike's presentation.

        1. By Josh Grosse ( on

          Answering my own question ... jdixon just posted to talk@metabug that he has completed sync of slides to audio. .mp4 can be found here.

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