Contributed by merdely on from the what's-in-a-name? dept.
In a recent post to misc@, Reyk Flöter (reyk@) announces hoststated's new name:
As you probably noticed, hoststated got renamed to relayd to reflect the enhanced scope of the daemon. I also used the chance to do significat changes to the configuration language. We may do a few more changes with the goal to get something that is extensible, nice, and consistent. This is the final name change for a tool that became very powerful and grew out of its roots, hopefully.
The rest of Reyk's message follows...
if you run the OpenBSD upgrade process, it will keep the old hoststated/hoststatectl binaries, which allows you to keep the old configuration while you're migrating from hoststated.conf to the new relayd.conf format. but i strongly advise to get rid of grumpy old hoststated!
to get an impression about the language changes, have a look at relayd.conf(5), see src/etc/relayd.conf, and view the differences in the OpenBSD CVS tree with:
cvs diff -Nup -r1.10 -r1.11 src/etc/relayd.conf
(it will take some time to sync it to the anoncvs servers).
Below are the relevant commit messages Reyk quoted:
CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: reyk@ 2007/12/08 10:07:09 Modified files: etc : relayd.conf usr.sbin/relayd: parse.y relay.c relayd.8 relayd.c relayd.conf.5 relayd.h usr.sbin/relayctl: relayctl.8 Log message: some changes to the relayd.conf configuration language and grammar. the tables will look more like pf tables, it is easier to re-use tables with different options, "services" will become "redirections" (they refer to rdr pf rules), sync configuration directives of redirect (l3, ex-service) relay (l7) sections (for example "virtual host" will become "listen on"), all target definitions will start with "forward to", etc. pp. (see relay.conf(5) and etc/relayd.conf) discussed with pyr and deraadt ok pyr@
CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: deraadt@ 2007/12/07 10:27:07 Removed files: usr.sbin/hoststatectl: Makefile hoststatectl.8 hoststatectl.c parser.c parser.h usr.sbin/hoststated: Makefile buffer.c carp.c check_icmp.c check_script.c check_tcp.c control.c hce.c hoststated.8 hoststated.c hoststated.conf.5 hoststated.h imsg.c log.c name2id.c parse.y pfe.c pfe_filter.c relay.c relay_udp.c ssl.c ssl_privsep.c Log message: hoststated/hoststatectl get repository copied (and de-tagged) into relayd/relayctl. This is a more suitable place for a daemon that has grown out of it's initial roots of "monitoring and redirecting services at various layers", into one that is "a full featured proxy, which happens to know what is up/down"
(Comments are closed)
By Matthew Dempsky ( on
By Darrin Chandler (dwc) on
Right now nginx does some things that hostst^Wrelayd doesn't, and vice versa. Remember that relayd is still pretty new, and under *very* active development. I'd expect to see some more of what nginx can do make it into relayd some time in the future.
That said, relayd and nginx are not aimed at quite the same goals, so there will probably always be times to pick one over the other. Relayd is the more general tool, and I expect to use it more in the long run.
By Reyk Floeter ( on
it is on our list... :)
- there is a "mark" action in relayd to match specific content (like a request path). i'm working on using this "mark" to select an alternative target table; for example you're able to match mostly anything in the HTTP request (like the virtual host in the "Host:" header), mark it, and it will be possible to forward sessions to a target pool of hosts based on its mark. most of the code is already done.
- all hosts in a table currently have to share the same port. but i'm aware that some web services like ruby-on-rails use a number of ports on a single host. this would need some changes in the pf table code and is a little bit complicated to do.
By Matthew Dempsky ( on
> it is on our list... :)
> - there is a "mark" action in relayd to match specific content (like a request path). i'm working on using this "mark" to select an alternative target table; for example you're able to match mostly anything in the HTTP request (like the virtual host in the "Host:" header), mark it, and it will be possible to forward sessions to a target pool of hosts based on its mark. most of the code is already done.
> - all hosts in a table currently have to share the same port. but i'm aware that some web services like ruby-on-rails use a number of ports on a single host. this would need some changes in the pf table code and is a little bit complicated to do.
By Matthew Dempsky ( on
> it is on our list... :)
> - all hosts in a table currently have to share the same port. but i'm aware that some web services like ruby-on-rails use a number of ports on a single host. this would need some changes in the pf table code and is a little bit complicated to do.
For what it's worth, all of our backend servers for a particular path listen on the same port number, so it'd suffice to just be able to say ``forward requests for /foo/bar to <blah> port 8000; forward requests for /quux to <frobnitz> port 8001''. (Just remembering which groups of hostnames manage which URLs is hard enough without needing to also remember unique ports for each of them. :P)
Looking over our nginx.conf, the only other ngingx features we use that stand out are serving static files, adding HTTP authentication, fastcgi, and URL-rewrite/HTTP-redirecting. Of course, as long as we had path-dependent redirects, we could handle these on the backend servers still using nginx or something. (I only mention them in case you're looking for other potential features to add.)
By Reyk Floeter ( on
yes, this will be possible with something like
request path mark "/foo/bar" with 1
request path mark "/quux" with 2
forward to <blah> port 8000 marked 1
forward to <frobnits> port 8001 marked 1
(i may allow symbolic names for marks, just like pf tags)
> Looking over our nginx.conf, the only other ngingx features we use that stand out are serving static files, adding HTTP authentication, fastcgi, and URL-rewrite/HTTP-redirecting. Of course, as long as we had path-dependent redirects, we could handle these on the backend servers still using nginx or something. (I only mention them in case you're looking for other potential features to add.)
i do not want to turn relayd into a webserver.
By Pierre-Yves Ritschard (pyr) on
> > Looking over our nginx.conf, the only other ngingx features we use that stand out are serving static files, adding HTTP authentication,
I'm currently working on on the fly HTTP authentication.
As reyk said the other features are more in the scope of a web server.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
According to the post, there should be a relay.conf(5) but I only see relayd.conf(5) on, is it just a matter of time to sync it there? I'm curious to read both man pages.
Thanks for the GREAT work, worth every dollar I can afford to donate!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Looks like a typo. There are relayd.conf(5) relayd(8) and relayctl(8).