OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD at SCaLE 6x

Contributed by jason on from the whats-this-in-my-penguin-taco dept.

The Southern California Linux Expo has opened registration for SCaLE 6x, taking place February 8-10, 2008, in Los Angeles. The organizers have expressed an interest for OpenBSD submissions during the open Call For Papers. The deadline for abstracts and submissions is November 30, 2007.

The conference already has one OpenBSD developer committed, in addition to a manned booth in the exhibition space.

With an emphasis on community involvement, SCaLE 6x should be a good opportunity to mingle with our FOSS neighbors. Make your plans now to visit sunny California and to show your support at the OpenBSD talks and exhibition booth.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    If OpenBSD is going to be there, then I'm going. I hear there will be other BSD's as well. It's been a couple of years since I've gone. I think the last one was the 4x.

    I remember one year I went and Rasterman was there showing off evas and other goodies. I think that was as 1x or 2x. I don't remember, but it was in the Nortel building in Simi Valley. Back then, evas was ahead of it's time. The effects were awesome!

    I had met others like Chris DiBona, and John Terpstra. Those are big names in the Linux and Samba camps.

    1. By Lennie ( on

      I remember one year I went and Rasterman was there showing off evas and other goodies.
      Rasterman has been quiet for a few years, but he will be working on getting E17 out of the door and then porting it to mobile devices, probably first to his employers (OpenMoko) device:

      1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        Just curious, is anyone working on a port for e17?

        From memory it required some funny hexfloat bits in strtod. (%a was it?)

        1. By David Gwynne ( on

          > Just curious, is anyone working on a port for e17?

          you can check a port of it all out using svn and

          1. By Leonardo Rodrigues ( on

            > > Just curious, is anyone working on a port for e17?
            > you can check a port of it all out using svn and

            Porting E17 is something that I've worked on before. But I couldn't get past that %a stuff. Even linking ctrio to eet, and using the ctrio printf functions, resulted in errors and font displacements.

            I'll try that link above. I've had a quick look, but it seems that nothing was done to circumvent that %a issue.

            1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

              > I'll try that link above. I've had a quick look, but it seems that nothing was done to circumvent that %a issue.

              Oops, I did not do my homework =)

              From the E wiki: "Until recently it wasn't possible to run e17 (more specifically eet) due to deficiencies in libc on OpenBSD. Changes in eet have conveniently worked around the OpenBSD limitation, so it should now run without issues."


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