Contributed by merdely on from the on-the-road-again dept.
If you're interested mobile OpenBSD, check out the latest Sites Collide podcast with fkr@:
On this Sites Collide, we speak with Felix Kronlage of the OpenBSD Project about using Open-Source tools for effectively and securely getting work done while using your laptop outside your home or office (called a Road Warrior). If you use a laptop on the road, you NEED to hear this episode.
As with an earlier pieces featuring Wim Vandeputte and Henning Brauer, this interview was recorded at the Confidence Symposium in Poland.
Listen via the embedded version or download the MP3
[Edit: It seems the Sites Collide site has suffered a collision. Janne Johansson has made the file available for us here (in Sweden). Thanks jj.]
[Edit: To share the load with jj, Darrin Chandler is also hosting a copy (in the US). Thanks dwc.]
(Comments are closed)
By raw ( on
By simmel ( on
/me hears non-swedes mutter about swedes and their big pipes >= )
By Sites Collide (sitescollide) on
thanks for the help distibuting it, guys. More importantly, thanks for listening. Thanks to Felix for the great interview!
-Tyrel McMahan
Producer, SitesCollide
By Mike Erdely (merdely) on
> email how fast you can download it? Just curious. It looks like everyone
> was trying to download it at the same time.
16401 KB in 03:40 from your site.
16401 KB in 01:31 from dwc's.
By ( on
Unfortunately they sell it only in Japan, although they claim that it can be used overseas: