OpenBSD Journal

BSDTalk 115 - Jun-ichiro "itojun" Hagino

Contributed by deanna on from the late mentions dept.

Bret Lambert wrote in to remind us that itojun@ was interviewed on BSDTalk a few weeks ago. There is even a transcript available here.

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  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    What an optimistic IPv6 advocate he is. :)
    IPv6 is great, but there must be much more trouble to migrate from IPv4 than he thinks.
    He says "We can switch from IPv4 to IPv6 without making them notice," but an experienced admin would never say so.
    Every "hacker" knows (or has experienced) Murphy's law.
    Anyway, informative interview!

    1. By Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd ( on

      > He says "We can switch from IPv4 to IPv6 without making them notice," but an experienced admin would never say so.

      The plan is to make them not notice. You don't type IP addresses in your browser, do you ? You don't use them when sending email, right ? What does John Doe know about IP addressing ? Nothing, and he doesn't care either. He just wants to be able to access his e-mail and the websites he's interested in.

      If everybody's running an IPv6-capable OS and the network is ready for it, then how would John Doe notice a switch ?

    2. By Janne Johansson ( on .

      > What an optimistic IPv6 advocate he is. :)
      > IPv6 is great, but there must be much more trouble to migrate from IPv4 than he thinks.
      > He says "We can switch from IPv4 to IPv6 without making them notice," but an experienced admin would never say so.
      > Every "hacker" knows (or has experienced) Murphy's law.

      Still, if you want to be a part of the solution, you probably should concentrate
      on the solution more than the problems. And since non-western countries already figured out getting IPv4's is a real problem, I applause their drive to get IPv6 going as quickly and painlessly as possible.

      /jj @ 2001:6b0:5:988::1

    3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > What an optimistic IPv6 advocate he is. :)

      Well, man, he is Japanese :) They're already livin' in the next century!

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