OpenBSD Journal

High Availability with Open Source

Contributed by jason on from the we-told-you-it-was-a-good-idea-at-the-time dept.

Infoworld has a brief article on High Availability with Open Source that introduces a handful of free High-Availability technologies, including OpenBSD's own CARP. They give a brief mention to pfsync as well, although the author incorrectly refers to it as OpenBSD's packet filter.

They must have been pressed for space, because it seems short-sighted not to mention other HA+ technologies included with OpenBSD such as sasyncd and hoststated. Regardless, it's always nice to see the mainstream press covering our favorite BSD.

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  1. By Timo Schoeler (eclipser) on


    hoststated(8) will be covered in the next issue of 'iX', the most read german *NIX magazine.

    it will be available from may 18th.

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