Contributed by merdely on from the dont-go-penguin dept.
"It's not whether you're well off
it's where you dig the well
The best the little guy can do is what
the little guy does right"
The lyrics for the new OpenBSD 4.1 release song, "Puffy Baba and the 40 Vendors," are on the website and the new words of wisdom can be downloaded as mp3 or ogg
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Brynet (Brynet) on
Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
The lyrics and points made I think are great though....
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
> It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
> If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> The lyrics and points made I think are great though....
Hey Brynet, try the hubbly bubbly man. You uptight prick.
By Brynet (Brynet) on
"hubbly bubbly" ? I'm not an "uptight prick", I just know what music is.. And this is NOT music.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> "hubbly bubbly" ? I'm not an "uptight prick", I just know what music is.. And this is NOT music.
Ahhhh, your voice is so musical, its sending me to sleep....
By takahide (takahide) on
The definition of music varies according to culture and social context, so take your immature whining somewhere else.
By erm ( on
> The definition of music varies according to culture and social context, so take your immature whining somewhere else.
But, but, he thinks he's the authority that defines music!
By Lars Hansson ( on
Actually, it's pretty obvious that you don't but fortunately your taste (or lack thereof) has no impact on the world at large.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> "hubbly bubbly" ? I'm not an "uptight prick", I just know what music
> is.. And this is NOT music.
No you don't.
"Music: an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner"
You can say you don't like it. You can't say it doesn't meet the criteria as "music". One is opinion and the other is fact.
By Renaud Allard (renaud) on
> Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
> It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
> If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> The lyrics and points made I think are great though....
For my part, I think the 4.1 "song" is the best one of all BSD songs. But that's just my opinion.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> >
> > Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
> >
> > It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
> >
> > If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> >
> > The lyrics and points made I think are great though....
> For my part, I think the 4.1 "song" is the best one of all BSD songs. But that's just my opinion.
Your opinion is cool man.... yah..
By Deanna Phillips (deanna) on
> If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
It's called poetry. When set to music like that, it's sometimes called spoken word. The whole thing is like William S Burroughs hanging out with Natacha Atlas. I think it's awesome. You need to have your artistic sensibility checked! ;)
By Brynet (Brynet) on
> >
> > If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> It's called poetry. When set to music like that, it's sometimes called spoken word. The whole thing is like William S Burroughs hanging out with Natacha Atlas. I think it's awesome. You need to have your artistic sensibility checked! ;)
Poetry? Who needs it? And I never said I was artistic.. I don't even wear matching socks.. ;)
By Ray Percival (sng) on
> >
> > If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> It's called poetry. When set to music like that, it's sometimes called spoken word. The whole thing is like William S Burroughs hanging out with Natacha Atlas. I think it's awesome. You need to have your artistic sensibility checked! ;)
Funny you should mention Burroughs. The first thing I thought of when I heard it was Quick Fix by Ministry. Which is basically a Burroughs spoken word piece. :)
By Alex Hafey ( on
> >
> > If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> It's called poetry. When set to music like that, it's sometimes called spoken word. The whole thing is like William S Burroughs hanging out with Natacha Atlas. I think it's awesome. You need to have your artistic sensibility checked! ;)
William Shatner - Mr Tambourine Man on his spoken word "album"
Top of my playlist ;-)
By Wim Vandeputte (wvdputte) on
Maybe you were too young in 1999? :-)
I guess you also did not like this one? ;-)
By Brynet (Brynet) on
> Maybe you were too young in 1999? :-)
> variation
> I guess you also did not like this one? ;-)
Humour? Who needs it?
In 1999 I was in hibernation.. I hibernate "every other year".
Life isn't funny.. IMHO Chris Rock is about as funny as a wet sponge.. ;-)
By Tvlooy ( on
> That guys voice is considerably annoying.. and the "Egyptian" theme is considerably annoying.
> Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
> It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
> If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> Obviously the humour of the parody is lost on you.
> Maybe you were too young in 1999? :-)
> variation
> I guess you also did not like this one? ;-)
By art ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
> It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
> If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> The lyrics and points made I think are great though....
Do you call this sound?
Btw, $ dict song
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:
Song \Song\ (s[o^]ng; 115), n. [AS. song, sang, fr. singan to
sing; akin to D. zang, G. sang, Icel. s["o]ngr, Goth. saggws.
See {Sing}.]
1. That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of
the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect,
etc. "That most ethereal of all sounds, the song of
crickets." --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]
2. A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad.
[1913 Webster]
3. More generally, any poetical strain; a poem.
[1913 Webster]
The bard that first adorned our native tongue
Tuned to his British lyre this ancient song.
[1913 Webster]
4. Poetical composition; poetry; verse.
[1913 Webster]
This subject for heroic song. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
5. An object of derision; a laughingstock.
[1913 Webster]
And now am I their song, yea, I am their byword.
--Job xxx. 9.
[1913 Webster]
6. A trifle; an insignificant sum of money; as, he bought it
for a song. "The soldier's pay is a song." --Silliman.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
{Old song}, a trifle; nothing of value. "I do not intend to
be thus put off with an old song." --Dr. H. More.
{Song bird} (Zool.), any singing bird; one of the {Oscines}.
{Song sparrow} (Zool.), a very common North American sparrow
({Melospiza fasciata}, or {Melospiza melodia}) noted for
the sweetness of its song in early spring. Its breast is
covered with dusky brown streaks which form a blotch in
the center.
{Song thrush} (Zool.), a common European thrush ({Turdus
musicus}), noted for its melodius song; -- called also
{mavis}, {throstle}, and {thrasher}.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Sonnet; ballad; canticle; carol; canzonet; ditty; hymn;
descant; lay; strain; poesy; verse.
[1913 Webster]
From WordNet (r) 2.0 (August 2003) [wn]:
n 1: a short musical composition with words; "a successful
musical must have at least three good songs"
2: a distinctive or characteristic sound; "the song of bullets
was in the air"; "the song of the wind"; "the wheels sang
their song as the train rocketed ahead"
3: the act of singing; "with a shout and a song they marched up
to the gates" [syn: {strain}]
4: the characteristic sound produced by a bird; "a bird will
not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age"
[syn: {birdcall}, {call}, {birdsong}]
5: a very small sum; "he bought it for a song"
6: the imperial dynasty of China from 960 to 1279; noted for
art and literature and philosophy [syn: {Sung}, {Sung
dynasty}, {Song}, {Song dynasty}]
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
> It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
> If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
> The lyrics and points made I think are great though....
if you've never been a fan of the *songs*, then why did you bother downloading it, listening to it or reading the lyrics?
By Brynet (Brynet) on
Who knows? Maybe I have some hope that one will *actually* be good..
Besides, I have a quick line.. It's not like I'm waiting an hour to listen to the thing..
By Lars Hansson ( on
> Never been a big fan of these OpenBSD song's..
> It's not even a song.. It's like a book on tape.
> If anyone considers "this" music.. they need their hearing checked.
Too bad for you but hey, not everyone can have a good taste in music. Nothing to be ashamed of.
By Francisco Valladolid ( on
if any want to hear it, no problem... I believe no hear it.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> if any want to hear it, no problem... I believe no hear it.
> Regards.
hey man its parody.
.....hubbly bubbly is ggggodddd.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By almeida (almeida) on
You mean Pond-erosa Puff? That's my favorite too. Johnny Cash rules.
By Terrell Prude', Jr. ( on
> You mean Pond-erosa Puff? That's my favorite too. Johnny Cash rules.
That's because he wouldn't take no guff
See, software oughta be clean and free
So, we fought the fight and we're settin' things right
with our O-pen-B-SD
As you can see, it's my favorite, too. :-)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
What is going on?
3.0 and 3.1 were great. 3.2 was cute but kinda sucked. 3.3 was OK. 3.4 was great. 3.5 and 3.6 were pretty good.
That's pretty much if for the release songs. I mean OpenVOX was good and the 4.0 hummpa thing was funny if you were in on the joke, but God damn the rest suck!
And where was Ty Semaka on this one? The guy has the talent, clearly (when he's not being forced to make Puffy kill Pussies). But the voice over didn't even sound like him. Left him at the Ship this time around?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
(and you would've known it wasn't Ty's voice if you just read lyrics.html)
Anyway, I really like "it". And what so wrong with "it" being not really a song/music but rather poetry..?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
really man; shit! we are all like bummed out because of that 111!!!11!!!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> What is going on?
> 3.0 and 3.1 were great. 3.2 was cute but kinda sucked. 3.3 was OK. 3.4 was great. 3.5 and 3.6 were pretty good.
> That's pretty much if for the release songs. I mean OpenVOX was good and the 4.0 hummpa thing was funny if you were in on the joke, but God damn the rest suck!
> And where was Ty Semaka on this one? The guy has the talent, clearly (when he's not being forced to make Puffy kill Pussies). But the voice over didn't even sound like him. Left him at the Ship this time around?
> Awful.
Shut up, bonehead. This song is darn cool; reminded
me on TransAm at the first go. After 10 times things
change a bit however.
And BTW: Voice by Richard Sixto. Lyrics by Ty Semaka.
By dustman ( on
later you find them very interesting and listen again and again. At least they're funny and
cooler than most pompous fools can create.
Btw, I second OpenVOX as being good but my favorite is either Systemagic or Blob!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> (when he's not being forced to make Puffy kill Pussies). But the voice
> over didn't even sound like him. Left him at the Ship this time around?
Ty is credited on the 4.1 song.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Tvlooy ( on
3.4 and 3.5 are my favorite songs
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Adam Petaccia ( on
I never got it. Is this an inside joke I missed?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
If you don't like the song then don't listen to it. It's that fucking easy!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> If you don't like the song then don't listen to it. It's that fucking easy!
I agree. Why oh why does this cause so many knickers to get in a twist?
Dudes. It's. A. Song.
You know: For. A. Joke.
Lighten the hell up.