Contributed by deanna on from the 4.1 is here! dept.
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OpenBSD Journal
Contributed by deanna on from the 4.1 is here! dept.
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Copyright © - Daniel Hartmeier. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are copyright their respective authors, submission implies license to publish on this web site. Contents of the archive prior to as well as images and HTML templates were copied from the fabulous original with Jose's and Jim's kind permission. This journal runs as CGI with httpd(8) on OpenBSD, the source code is BSD licensed. undeadly \Un*dead"ly\, a. Not subject to death; immortal. [Obs.]
By Steve Shockley ( on
By Renaud Allard (renaud) on
Well, in fact it is a stylish arabic font and it's written "OpenBSD 4.1" :)
By ZomZom ( on
Maybe this is some kind of esthetic response to DARPA for cutting the OBSD fundings.
Anyway, nice graphics by Ty as always, can't wait for the song!
> > All those characters around the border... must be a message for the terrists.
> Well, in fact it is a stylish arabic font and it's written "OpenBSD 4.1" :)
By wim ( on
> Anyway, nice graphics by Ty as always, can't wait for the song!
Actually those who ordered the CDs early will find it on CD 2 ;-)
By Leonardo Rodrigues ( on
This place of the world takes forever to receive an OpenBSD order...
By Damon McMahon ( on
Probably about the same time they arrive here in Australia :-(
> This place of the world takes forever to receive an OpenBSD order...
Same here... I can't wait for my ral(4) access point to be running in 802.11b/g mixed mode!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Probably about the same time they arrive here in Australia :-(
> > This place of the world takes forever to receive an OpenBSD order...
> Same here... I can't wait for my ral(4) access point to be running in 802.11b/g mixed mode!
I'm also in Aus and waiting longingly for my 2 sets but having downloaded lots of snaps (each with a selection of matching packages) I'm currently running a test box with the kernel build used for release.
It was the lucky last I snarfed before I became overloaded with work and tax return hell. Woohoo!
By anonymous pedro ( on
> Probably about the same time they arrive here in Australia :-(
.br is worse, since it's third world
By No one ( on
By Francisco Valladolid ( on
I always order the CD sets, lamentably to Mexico always they are lost, and the time of replacement delays too much, the 4.0 version almost four months later.
I hope the Computer shop of Calgary can offer a good sending service to foreign customers, especially for tracking it.
Congrats to OpenBSD for the 4.1 and the owners of it.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> I always order the CD sets, lamentably to Mexico always they are lost, and the time of replacement delays too much, the 4.0 version almost four months later.
> I hope the Computer shop of Calgary can offer a good sending service to foreign customers, especially for tracking it.
> Congrats to OpenBSD for the 4.1 and the owners of it.
If OpenBSD CD sets always get lost somewhere in Mexico;why not burn own CD sets and donate to the OpenBSD project?
By Francisco Valladolid ( on
> > I always order the CD sets, lamentably to Mexico always they are lost, and the time of replacement delays too much, the 4.0 version almost four months later.
> >
> > I hope the Computer shop of Calgary can offer a good sending service to foreign customers, especially for tracking it.
> >
> > Congrats to OpenBSD for the 4.1 and the owners of it.
> >
> >
> If OpenBSD CD sets always get lost somewhere in Mexico;why not burn own CD sets and donate to the OpenBSD project?
ummm!, always, I test OpenBSD before thath the CD arrive to my house. sometimes I do donations to the OpenBSD project, and non OpenBSD peojects too, (NetBSD eg.) .
I want to say that the the people of "Computer Shop of Calgary" always are good people, they always reply my mails and return another CD sets to me.
By Massimo Lusetti (massimo) on
By Massimo Lusetti (massimo) on
Thanks Wim!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Thanks Wim!
No complaints about Wim.
My card was charged by "OPEN BSD/COMPUTER MILK RIVER CAN CA" on 3/15,
but the actual product just shipped this afternoon.
By Wim ( on
> My card was charged by "OPEN BSD/COMPUTER MILK RIVER CAN CA" on 3/15,
> but the actual product just shipped this afternoon.
Actually it's not a very easy balancing act: if one does not start to charge the credit cards before the end of the month, then some have already expired dates.
If I have to email somebody about a problem with a card (wrong number, over limit, ...) when are already shipping out the product, then it becomes all a very messy affair because you have to put orders on hold.
Anyways, everything you do is wrong ;-)