Contributed by deanna on from the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX dept.
A lot of people coming to BSD from other UNIX-like OSes don't know about systat, because in modern times it has always been strictly a BSD application. It started out way back on on TOPS-10. Unfortunately I do not have access to a TOPS-10 machine, but here is what it looks like on TOPS-20.
@systat Sat 24-Feb-2007 07:28:41 Up 234:12:34 6+6 Jobs Load av 0.00 0.01 0.01 Job Line Program User Origin 7 44 EXEC EL ( 8 45 EXEC SANGRA ( 9 46 EXEC SANGRA ( 10 47 EXEC JACK3R ( 11 50 EXEC RSBOHN ( 12* 51 SYSTAT NEW (sverige.freeshell.ORG) 1 13 OPR OPERATOR 2 DET SYSJB1 OPERATOR 3 14 RESOLV OPERATOR 4 15 NETSRV OPERATOR 5 16 SMTJFN OPERATOR 6 17 MMAILR OPERATOR @A command by the same name appeared in 4.3 BSD, and began to take on the look we are more familiar with today. For the most part, it's maintained its historical look and feel in all the modern BSD projects, which may be why new people who have found it consider it a novelty. While being cute, the default display, 'pigs', is mostly worthless.
In OpenBSD, it's continued to evolve. A few years ago, an 'if' display was added, that shows per-interface network statistics and states, and some months ago the iostat display was updated to show more useful statistics in a format that is easier to read.
The latest addition is a display to show the status of hardware sensors, which I added because I was tired of typing
sysctl hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour3
whenever I wanted to check how much battery life I had left on my laptop.
I hope that this comes in handy for people who need to do more serious monitoring with their sensors, or who want to take quick glances at what's new with the acpi change of the hour.
So, check it out if you hadn't before. One other thing I'd like to see is an 'all' display, like NetBSD has, which automatically flips between all the available displays. But I suspect that's probably a little too cute to be accepted in OpenBSD. :-)
Here are a few more screenshots.
/0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 Load Average >>> Sensor Value Status Description acpiac0.indicator0 On (power supply) acpibat0.volt0 12.53 V DC (voltage) acpibat0.volt1 0.00 V DC unknown (current voltage) acpibat0.watthour0 4.80 Wh (last full capacity) acpibat0.watthour1 1.00 Wh (warning capacity) acpibat0.watthour2 0.40 Wh (low capacity) acpibat0.watthour3 4.80 Wh OK (remaining capacity) acpibat0.raw0 2 raw OK (battery full) acpibat0.raw1 0 raw unknown (rate) acpidock0.indicator0 Off (not docked) acpitz0.temp0 51.05 degC (zone temperature) acpitz1.temp0 51.05 degC (zone temperature)
/0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 Load Average | Sensor Value Status Description ipmi0.temp0 31.00 degC OK (CPU Planar) ipmi0.temp1 23.00 degC OK (Ambient) ipmi0.fan0 6000 RPM OK (Fan 1) ipmi0.fan1 5880 RPM OK (Fan 2) ipmi0.fan2 6000 RPM OK (Fan 3) ipmi0.fan3 6600 RPM OK (Fan 4) ipmi0.fan4 5880 RPM OK (Fan 5) ipmi0.fan5 6720 RPM OK (Fan 6) ipmi0.fan6 6600 RPM OK (Fan 7) ipmi0.volt0 1.50 V DC OK (CPU) ipmi0.volt1 5.02 V DC OK (+5) ipmi0.volt2 11.90 V DC OK (+12) ipmi0.volt3 3.30 V DC OK (+3.3) ipmi0.volt4 3.11 V DC OK (Battery) ipmi0.volt5 2.50 V DC OK (+2.5) ipmi0.volt6 3.30 V DC OK (+3.3 Aux) ipmi0.volt7 3.92 V DC OK (ROMB Battery) ipmi0.volt8 1.82 V DC OK (+1.8) ipmi0.volt9 1.50 V DC OK (+1.5) ipmi0.indicator0 Off OK (Cover Intrusion) ipmi0.indicator1 On OK (Power Supply - 1) ipmi0.indicator2 On OK (Power Supply - 2) ami0.drive0 online OK (sd0) safte0.temp0 23.33 degC OK
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Deanna Phillips (deanna) on
I'm not totally sure what these are, but I assume they're system monitors. If that's the case, then, of course.
In other news, the top window with the load average was changed from the old ascii histogram to the same numeric format found in 'vm'. So now even pigs is somewhat useful. :)
4 users Load 0.97 1.39 1.51 Wed Feb 28 09:39:31 2007
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By jared rr spiegel ( on
two problems with this tho:
- i have no diff to submit
- i'm also the guy who wants to be able to scroll up and down (with any one of emacs/vi or cursor keys) in top(1), so .. well, see shot in face comment above.
hi5 re sensors tho. there are a few utilities that the GNU ppl have that would be really nice to see in OpenBSD; and conversely there are a few utilities in (Open|*)BSD that i'm amazed the GNU ppl can live without. systat is both useful and nifty.