Contributed by dwc on from the plug-n-pray dept.
Lately, my boss and I have been wanting low power wireless communications. He's been playing with the XBee Dev Kit, and yesterday he brought me the USB version of the developer board. Plugging it in gave me the half-expected ugen(4) device. End of story? Not nearly.
The whole line is “ugen1: FTDI MaxStream PKG-U, rev 2.00/4.00, addr 2”, so I thought I'd do some digging on the web and in the source tree. It turns out there are other supported FTDI devices. Further the MaxStream site tells you (if you read hard enough) that you'll be talking directly to the onboard FTDI chip, which is the FT232BM. The FTDI site says this chip is the 2nd generation successor to the FT8U232AM. Hey, that's one of the kernel's supported devices! These chips are basically just UARTS over USB, so there's no reason the new chip wouldn't work as well.
My previous grepping had lead me to /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/, and the files usbdevs and uftdi.c. The first file is a formatted text file used to generate actual code. After modification, running make in that directory regenerates the files with the new information. Changes to the second .c file were trivial as well. Here are the diffs...
--- /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs.orig Sat Sep 16 12:54:13 2006
+++ /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdevs Tue Feb 6 13:57:56 2007
@@ -1047,6 +1047,7 @@
product FTDI SERIAL_2232C 0x6010 2232C Serial
product FTDI PS2KBDMS 0x8371 PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse
product FTDI SERIAL_8U100AX 0x8372 Serial
+product FTDI SERIAL_232BM 0xee18 FT232BM Serial
product FTDI MHAM_KW 0xeee8 KW
product FTDI MHAM_YS 0xeee9 YS
product FTDI MHAM_Y6 0xeeea Y6
--- /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/uftdi.c.orig Thu Aug 10 13:45:26 2006
+++ /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/uftdi.c Tue Feb 6 14:03:04 2007
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
if (uaa->vendor == USB_VENDOR_FTDI &&
(uaa->product == USB_PRODUCT_FTDI_SERIAL_8U100AX ||
uaa->product == USB_PRODUCT_FTDI_SERIAL_8U232AM ||
+ uaa->product == USB_PRODUCT_FTDI_SERIAL_232BM ||
uaa->product == USB_PRODUCT_FTDI_SEMC_DSS20 ||
uaa->product == USB_PRODUCT_FTDI_MHAM_KW ||
uaa->product == USB_PRODUCT_FTDI_MHAM_YS ||
@@ -236,6 +237,7 @@
After that, it's rebuild and copy in the new kernel, and then reboot. Presto chango, that worthless ugen turns into this...
uftdi0 at uhub2 port 1 uftdi0: FTDI MaxStream PKG-U, rev 2.00/4.00, addr 2 ucom0 at uftdi0 portno 1
So far so good, but does this actually work? This device should be easily accessed through cu/tip on ttyU0 or cuaU0. Sure enough, cu -l cuaU0 -s 57600 -h worked perfectly and I was able to do serial communications through the FTDI to the XBee to the remote hardware.
Is it always this easy to get unrecognized hardware working in OpenBSD? Hardly. But sometimes you get lucky with a newer version of an already supported product or chipset. A little willingness to do a bit of research and poking around can turn a show-stopper into a non-issue.
(Comments are closed)
By DS ( on
By TomazZ ( on
Where/how did you get that number an what it means: 0xee18
Thank you.
By Jim Driscoll ( on
> Where/how did you get that number an what it means: 0xee18
> Thank you.
> TomazZ
It'll be akin to the trailing two bytes of a PCI ID (identifying the model rather than the manufacturer), I believe.
Do "usbdevs -v":
$ usbdevs -v -f /dev/usb0
Controller /dev/usb0:
addr 1: full speed, self powered, config 1, OHCI root hub(0x0000), SiS(0x1039), rev 1.00
port 1 powered
port 2 addr 2: low speed, power 100 mA, config 1, Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)(0x0040), Microsoft(0x045e), rev 3.00
port 3 powered
You should be able to spot the corresponding ID number from that (0x0040 in this case!).
By Darrin Chandler (dwc) on
Yes, I forgot to mention usbdevs in the article! That's how I found the product ID, of course. Thanks!
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Where/how did you get that number an what it means: 0xee18
> Thank you.
> TomazZ
usbdevs -v
will give you a verbose list of usb devices with vendor and product identifiers. (They appear in brackets like this comment, next to the desc i.e.: WLAN(0x1723), Ralink(0x0b05) for my rum0 usb wifi device.