OpenBSD Journal podcast.

Contributed by sean on from the press play dept.

The Run Your Own Server podcast had a show while ago on OpenBSD. A decent overview is given (if you take a 'user' perspective) though one thing that did annoy me was the emphasis that OpenBSD is a 'security' OS when security is just a nice byproduct from being focused on simplicity and correctness.

Regardless, if you have a half-hour to kill (say at the gym or on a commute), give it a listen.

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  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    "one thing that did annoy me was the emphasis that OpenBSD is a 'security' OS when security is just a nice byproduct from being focused on simplicity and correctness"

    here here

  2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    What's a gym?


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