OpenBSD Journal

Testers wanted for keyboard code.

Contributed by jj on from the qwerty dept.

Joshua Stein (jcs@) has some important changes that should add support for
some quirky PS2 and AT keyboards, in specific laptop keyboards, that he would like you to test.
Since this code touches areas which are common to all keyboards it is
important that as many people as possible try this diff.

Please help test this now so that it can be included in the 4.1 release.

The diff coupled with a description can be found here;
Sigmasoft Mail Archives

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    for ease of feeding to patch(1), here's one with tabs:
    ftp -o- | (cd /sys; patch)

    1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

      > for ease of feeding to patch(1), here's one with tabs:ftp -o- | (cd /sys; patch)

      Or you just could have used -lazy... er --ignore-whitespace (-l) as in hell.

  2. By Limaunion ( on

    Hope this fixes my keyboard problem reported a long time ago here...:

    This machine is a 486 used as a firewall (PF) and after OpenBSD loads I can only use it thru ssh.

    I didn't have a single problem with this keyboard/motherboard at that time while I was testing other Unix distros.



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