OpenBSD Journal

OpenGrok for OpenBSD

Contributed by deanna on from the glimpse-grep-grok dept.

cnst reminds us:

Csaba Henk posted a message to misc@ announcing that he has an OpenGrok service available for OpenBSD, with source and index refreshed daily.

"OpenGrok, 'a wicked fast source browser', is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine. It helps you search, cross-reference and navigate your source tree."

This is handy for browsing or when you don't have a source tree around.

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Massimo Lusetti (massimo) on

    Great, very very usefull. I noticed when posted but lost short after, posts on undeadly are always more then welcome.


    1. By Deanna Phillips (deanna) on

      > Great, very very usefull. I noticed when posted but lost short after, posts on undeadly are always more then welcome.

      Yes, this is also so we don't lose the URL. :-)

      Maybe it could go on the Resources sidebar here.

  2. By adelfino ( on

    I added the link some days ago in the Wikipedia article.

    I find it more useful to search the tree, than to browse; cvsweb from is always available.

    1. By Jim Razmus II (jim) on

      > For those too lazy to pull the MARC posting:

      Sorry about the infinite recursion. Apparently HTML is beyond me. Copy and paste will get you there though.


      1. By Deanna Phillips (deanna) on

        > > For those too lazy to pull the MARC posting:
        > >
        > Sorry about the infinite recursion. Apparently HTML is beyond me. Copy and paste will get you there though.
        > ;-)

        Oops, I didn't realize there was no link in it. I blame cnst. ;)

        1. By Anonymous Coward (cnst) on

          > > > For those too lazy to pull the MARC posting:
          > > >
          > >
          > > Sorry about the infinite recursion. Apparently HTML is beyond me. Copy and paste will get you there though.
          > >
          > > ;-)
          > Oops, I didn't realize there was no link in it. I blame cnst. ;)

          Don't blame cnst, as he did in fact provide a direct link in his submission of this story back on 2006-12-03. ;)

  4. By Devin ( on

    Don't forget that there is also htags that does something similar. Also you can browse various CVS repos with htags here:

    The UNIX Kernel Source Tour


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