Contributed by deanna on from the it-all-started-here dept.
So being able to put faces to names is a big thing for me.
However, the biggest benefits from a hackathon come from being in the same room as everyone else for a week. It gives me a chance to focus on the code fulltime. In real life i only get to hack on openbsd in my spare time, and that seems to be an ever decreasing resource (see for proof). Being able to sit in a room with headphones on for a week straight really lets me get my mind in the right space.
Also, as part of OpenBSD's usual process of development, we try to get oks from each other as a way of verifying the code before we commit it. For me that process can take days. I usually hack something up in the evening, mail it round for people on the other side of the world to read, and go to bed. I get up in the morning with feedback, I go to work, come home, and deal with the feedback. Then I send it out again and sleep. That keeps repeating till i have an ok and i get to commit the code.
At a hackathon that process is sped up. By orders of magnitude. The people i need to get feedback from are a table away, and because we're awake at the same time we can talk. Because we can talk we get to do away with the delicate process of writing email that doesn't offend each other, so the exchanges last minutes instead of days.
Finally it is good to be able to work with people who all have the same attitude toward code, and who are there to code. It is surprisingly difficult to get a group discussion about anything to happen, unless you suggest food and beer. I guess it is hard to code when you're holding a glass.
-- David Gwynne, dlg@
The new hackathons page is
(Comments are closed)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Personally, I'd like to know a little more about upcoming hackathons (e.g., the upcoming hardware hackathon) and what we can do to support them (e.g., buy and mail hardware for the devs to hack on at the upcoming hackathon, which is a not-so-subtle hint to the slackers who've sent nary a glance towards want.html :).
I always enjoy learning more about how the OpenBSD devs get things working.
By Michael Osburn ( on
> Personally, I'd like to know a little more about upcoming hackathons (e.g., the upcoming hardware hackathon) and what we can do to support them (e.g., buy and mail hardware for the devs to hack on at the upcoming hackathon, which is a not-so-subtle hint to the slackers who've sent nary a glance towards want.html :).
> I always enjoy learning more about how the OpenBSD devs get things working.
Is their a time table set for the hardware hackathon? I would be intrested in doing what I can to support it, but i would rather not have to do a last min. rush to get hardware out to the developers so they have it in time for the event. I understand not giving to great of notice to stop non-developers from crashing the party but atleast knowing when the events happen helps convice the higher ups the need to donate by a certin time
By Marc Balmer ( on
> Personally, I'd like to know a little more about upcoming hackathons (e.g., the upcoming hardware hackathon) and what we can do to support them (e.g., buy and mail hardware for the devs to hack on at the upcoming hackathon, which is a not-so-subtle hint to the slackers who've sent nary a glance towards want.html :).
I am organizing the upcoming hardware hackathon. If you want to support us, you can to in various ways:
- donate hardware we can hack on
- donate funds, i.e. money so we can pay hardware/food/beer or financially help developers that need it (some travel across the whole world to help make OpenBSD as robust, reliable, and secure as is now).
and of course tell your peers, friends et. to buy our cdroms and the audio cd.
If you want to support this upcoming hardware hackathon, please get in touch with me or Theo de Raadt.
By Nate ( on
Then again, maybe just include links to the various picture sets developers have taken from the past hackathons.
By Nate ( on
> Then again, maybe just include links to the various picture sets developers have taken from the past hackathons.
One of these days I will look to see if I have HTML turned on or not before posting.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By jasper ( on
By mbalmer ( on
> voila
hmm, this shirt would not have helped a lot in buda... or the taxi bill would have been, well, a bit high...