Contributed by ben on from the acpi-support-is-important-mkay? dept.
$1200USD is required to get a T42 and docking station.
It should also be mentioned that ACPI support will be useful not for laptops, but also i386/amd64 desktops and servers by providing better support for interrupt routing.
Please donate through Paypal by sending money to!
Update: Here are some photos of Marco and Jordan's mini ACPI hackathon: 1, 2, and 3.
Subject: ACPI support, donate via payapl here From: "Niall O'Higgins"Date: 2006-10-18 22:40:16 Message-ID: 20061018224016.GN3696 () unworkable ! org Hi, marco@ could desperately use an IBM Thinkpad for his ACPI work. This work is very important and many of us really want to get him this hardware. Everyone with a laptop running OpenBSD will likely benefit from marco's work. Unfortunately no individual has yet stepped up and given him one. So I have started a pool to buy him one. We need approximately $1200 USD to get him a T42 + docking station (which is required to get a serial port for kernel hacking). If you want to help get marco a Thinkpad, please donate via PayPal to I've personally donated $100, and a number of other OpenBSD users have donated similar sums already. Remember that the Euro is quite strong vs. the US dollar at the moment, so Euro donations go even further. I'm afraid I don't have the resources to deal with anything other than PayPayl, so you if you can't use PayPal, sorry. Any money left over from the laptop donations will be given to the OpenBSD project. Please feel free to email me any suggestions or inquiries, and of course spread the word!
(Comments are closed)
By niallo ( on
By jean ( on
By Richard Toohey ( on
"Many thanks to all the very generous people who donated. The hardware
marco@ needs is on its way to him now. That so many OpenBSD users
were willing to chip in is very heartening indeed. It seems a lot of
people are interested in ACPI support :-)
I have tried to send personal thank you notes to everyone who donated.
Hopefully I didn't miss anybody.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
I always like to give something of the little i have to spare.
Think i am not the only one who will never ever touch paypal.
By Cuga ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By Miod Vallat ( miod@ on
> Jordan.
Can we also get an inventory of the wine in the corner?
By Dick Davies ( on
Oh wait. You spent all last month telling anyone who'd listen what a bunch of massive tossers they were, didn't you?
ISTR there was a similar incident with an Ultrasparc III donation not too long ago. Maybe it's time to rethink the whole corporate relations bit of the project?
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> Oh wait. You spent all last month telling anyone who'd listen what a bunch of massive tossers they were, didn't you?
> ISTR there was a similar incident with an Ultrasparc III donation not too long ago. Maybe it's time to rethink the whole corporate relations bit of the project?
Thanks for your suggestion, I don't think anybody has come up with such a brilliant, original idea before!! Now please shut up and go away.
By marco ( on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
If so: Get a R50e (wich a friend of me owns, a student) and you can even hack on the Laptop to make openBSD just "boot"...
Network is another topic.. and of course it`s broadcom.
So if you wanna REALY wanna spend time then please get a model wich doesn`t just runs fine like an r50 (not r50e..) wich I do own. :)
Thus you would propably help a >lot< peoples (well not me but I know at least 1 guy who WOULD like to run oBSD but can`t (wont boot)).. propably but I know you just wanna hack on ACPI.
My personal oppinion:
if you realy get a Laptop for free then get a BAD supported one to make it work. Because then you´ve to write not just ACPI stuff but propably also drivers and this helps to make the most profit out of the little present.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> If so: Get a R50e (wich a friend of me owns, a student) and you can even hack on the Laptop to make openBSD just "boot"...
> Network is another topic.. and of course it`s broadcom.
> So if you wanna REALY wanna spend time then please get a model wich doesn`t just runs fine like an r50 (not r50e..) wich I do own. :)
This comment would look great on a sticky note on an r50e on macro's front door......
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> >
> > If so: Get a R50e (wich a friend of me owns, a student) and you can even hack on the Laptop to make openBSD just "boot"...
> > Network is another topic.. and of course it`s broadcom.
> >
> > So if you wanna REALY wanna spend time then please get a model wich doesn`t just runs fine like an r50 (not r50e..) wich I do own. :)
> This comment would look great on a sticky note on an r50e on macro's front door......
Don´t exspect support from unemployeds.
And the stuff I`m talking about is the responsebility to those who can and do donate. So making the most out of the money should be the goal.
I´ve mentioned the R50e because I know it does not boot OpenBSD for sure.
By sthen ( on
that's Lenovo
> Oh wait. You spent all last month telling anyone who'd listen what a bunch of massive tossers they were, didn't you?
and that's IBM.
Different companies, see?
By Didier Wiroth ( on
I donated too ... come on guys ... let's get this thinkpad for them.
ACPI is a most have on openbsd, it will benefit to anyone using openbsd.
By Didier ( on
> I donated too ... come on guys ... let's get this thinkpad for them.
> ACPI is a most have on openbsd, it will benefit to anyone using openbsd.
Shit ;-/ I should have previewed it first
I ment: "a must have"
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By CityDude ( on
By John Bacall ( on