OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD 4.0 and audio CDs arriving in Europe

Contributed by deanna on from the 4.0-is-here dept.

The first report of the CDs arriving has come from Joris Van Herzele:

It's true this is hardly relevant for a discussion forum, but I hope you will all forgive me ... I just felt the need to voice my joy. We all agree it's great software, but other than that just look at it. The packaging in itself is already enough to put me in a festive mood :)

Update: USA CDs now arriving! Check your mail and find something to stick those stickers on. Thanks Wim and the rest of the OpenBSD Project for another great release!

(Comments are closed)

  1. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Any photos of the new packaging?

    1. By Hex29A ( on

      > Any photos of the new packaging?

  2. By Renaud Allard ( on

    I just got mine this friday before noon :D

  3. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Where are the "action shots?!?"

    1. By Renaud Allard ( on

      > Where are the "action shots?!?"

      Here they are:

      enjoy :)

      1. By Chris ( on

        > Here they are:
        > enjoy :)

        Great marketing shots! ;)

      2. By Anonymous Coward ( on

        > Here they are:
        > enjoy :)

        Nice!!! Love the new case!

  4. By Anonymous Coward ( on

    Still Waiting in the US...

    1. By Kevin ( on

      > Still Waiting in the US...

      Work sprang for the trackable USPS shipping method, and CD set went out on Friday and arrived on Monday.

      I bought a set personally and selected the cheapest shipping method. I got my posters on Monday, but have no idea if/when the disks might show up.

  5. By assarix ( on

    New release, new wallpaper:


  6. By Dave Steinberg ( on

    My CDs just arrived here in Boston! The new packaging is definitely a step up, and the extra spacer for liner art was well used.

    Great job!

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