Contributed by mbalmer on from the let-the-sun-shine-in dept.
In this mail, Theo requested the donation of UltraSPARC3 hardware. We're looking for a couple of machines: one in the Washington DC area (jason@), and another in the Netherlands (kettenis@).
If you can help, please let us know!
(Comments are closed)
By Marc Balmer ( on
By Venture37 ( venture37 # hotmail dot com on
By Anonymous Coward ( on
At a couple grand I don't think it too out there to think we could get a dozen or so people to pool together and afford to buy this sucker.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Not sure which would be better; just throwing this out there.
By Tony S ( on
I've only had it for a few hours, but just the looks of the box makes my 3GHz HP pc look weak =)
By Anonymous Coward ( on
> I've only had it for a few hours, but just the looks of the box makes my 3GHz HP pc look weak =)
> /Tony
Not so bad on the prices and noone has bid on either, perhaps if the auctions fail somoene could pick them up for Jason a little cheaper, still under the original 2000 dollar budget.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
By ciph3r ( on
By Bret Lambert ( bret dot lambert at gmail dot com on
I'm willing to dedicate up to $100 (starving student, sorry) towards this beast; I live in DC, so getting it to jason@ isn't a problem. If I get promises via email for the rest of the buy it now price+shipping, I'll gladly pony up.
Who's with me?
By Nate ( on
> I'm willing to dedicate up to $100 (starving student, sorry) towards this beast; I live in DC, so getting it to jason@ isn't a problem. If I get promises via email for the rest of the buy it now price+shipping, I'll gladly pony up.
> Who's with me?
Well, I could do 50 for it, after currency conversion. One thing I think though is that you could probably squeeze the money more if you let the auction fail and contact them directly after it, thus they need not pay ebay and still get the sale.
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Although I admire your frugality, I just want to make sure that the machine gets to the project.
By marco, but not marco@ ( on
> I'm willing to dedicate up to $100 (starving student, sorry) towards this beast; I live in DC, so getting it to jason@ isn't a problem. If I get promises via email for the rest of the buy it now price+shipping, I'll gladly pony up.
> Who's with me?
i already emailed you. i'm in for $100. hopefully the cheapskates who bitched about no US3 support in the past will chip in
By Anonymous Coward ( on
Not to rain on your parade of self righteous indignation, but who bitched about the lack of ultrasparc III support? Everyone was pretty understanding since its Sun's fault and all. And even if someone did bitch about it for some reason, how does that make them a cheapskate?
By Nate ( on
By marco, but not marco@ ( on
> Not to rain on your parade of self righteous indignation, but who bitched about the lack of ultrasparc III support? Everyone was pretty understanding since its Sun's fault and all. And even if someone did bitch about it for some reason, how does that make them a cheapskate?
i only posted that i committed in case someone else started up an effort, they would see that one is already underway
look at the archives for misc@ ... there may not be complaints from cheapskates specifically about us3 support, but there are plenty of complaints on there about things from people who don't show up on donate.html or src-changes ... they want to bitch but not contribute
By Olivier Matthey ( om_sparc4openbsd-0664 at olden d0t ch on
Thanks Bret.
Count me in for up to US$100, check or Paypal.
By Johan M:son ( on
By Jason Wright ( on
Probably, but I don't have a v210 or v240 to play with. A blade1k is on its way to me, so that will be the primary target.